Saturday, April 9, 2011

Good morning, good morning

Aaaahhhh.... another night lasting til 2. It's a bizarre experience to regularly look up at the clock on consecutive days and realize how late it has become. It is easy to lose track of time when so immersed in the material we are asked and expected to learn. Long gone are the days of pleasure reading and absorbing what was gently laid before us. This is a focused effort, indeed.

Nothing to fear or shrink from, however. We must all strive to become lumps of coal here. We are each the product of the vital, living matter that came before us. We are that matter compressed down into the last remnants of its energy-gathering capacity. And although we are smudgy and smelly, we are truly capable of being ignited. Not hesitating, we must allow ourselves to be ignited and ignite our own selves to provide light and warmth to anyone in our vicinity until we become ash and are blown away in the wind.

We are an odd mix. We have our 'gunners' and 'bleeding hearts', our 'ever-so-hopefuls' and diligent, 'keep-to-themselves' folks. I seem to be some of each. Most are fearful - of failure, mostly. I confess am definitely part of that secret club. Most are well-bred and are known to stay within the lines drawn by those who prefer a structured society. Of course, this is harder for me as an old guy who has long since realized that corrals are erected by the owners of horses. And, I will never become fully strong unless I run unhindered on prairies where I seek out seasonal grass. As always, my hope is that we will accept one another fully and with some grace. I hope we will believe in the best parts of each of us and goad one another to higher heights - for our sakes and for those who will come after.

To be certain this will happen less often than it should. We are a competitive bunch and overwhelmed by the challenges in front of our noses. How much it will dim the light we began with will be a testament to the way we were created. If it be a refining, for glory. If it be a wasting, for shame. The day begins.

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