Saturday, December 4, 2010

What happened to last week... ?

Wow. Busy week. Didn't get much studying done but made enough progress to feel like I was still a med student. Was mostly working on the GIE body donor service and preparing for a worship service last night.

The GIE memorial went quite well, I thought. I had been assigned the chair of the performance committee, so was making sure intro/outro music was ready, a choir was set up to sing a marvelous piece led by a former operatic singer, I was ready for a guitar/cello piece done by myself and another student, a student who put together a fantastic slide show of the lives of the donors had all the assistance he needed, and generally that things were being done, so they would flow smoothly. All in all, everyone performed beautifully, and the families were deeply touched. They said a ceremony like this afforded them a special type of closure for the special gift that their loved ones had provided. Sounded like it truly made a difference for them.

The worship night went great, too. Had to learn a dozen or so songs and get my fingers callused enough to play for a couple of hours (practice sessions). Bit of a light turnout but enjoyable for all and a pleasure to play again. Had been about 6 years since I'd really even picked up the guitar. Had to put new strings on it and get it cleaned up from years of sticky stuff slowly attaching to its surface. Put the fingernails on, too, as it's much easier to play with them on.

Much to catch up on. Getting there today. Will hit the books hard for the next couple of weeks and see where I end up before Christmas.

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