Saturday, September 18, 2010


It seems I have finally begun to settle into the new place and establish a routine I can live with. I am getting rid of things I don't need and accumulating those things that I do. The initial rush of school is over and folks have found friendship circles and comfort zones where they might operate. I listened to some first-year students talking last night and heard one say how exhausted she was. I didn't mention how far she had to go before she would be able to rest. It seemed as though it might have been too hard for her to hear. Will try to encourage her when I see her.

It looks like I will be able to volunteer at one of the local clinics. I will be able to practice my history-taking and exam skills there. Also a good chance to learn how to present patient info to doctors - something I haven't done before. Will use it as my PCM course until I start that back up in December.

I am feeling very much that this is where I belong and where I must concentrate all of my efforts. I have been allowing too many other things in life to distract me from this task. Easy to do for anyone and more so for an old guy with so many memories dancing around in his head. - I have a sense that I will be experiencing a major change in the next few months and then over the following year. Some sort of a renewing or reestablishing of an original position. Something special. Am curious as to what it might entail. - Of course, I watch my classmates being changed by the experience, and I wonder how aware they are of what they are becoming. I wonder if they understand the power of this institution to change them. I wonder how much they give themselves over to it and how much they are convinced they are doing on their own. I wonder these things for myself as well.

Sent a few of my poems off to a contest for review. Will be nice to have someone read them that may appreciate them. Might get some feedback.

Time to do some reading.

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