Saturday, August 22, 2009

In the beginning...

... my brain was without form and void... disbelief, I guess you could say. Numb fer sure, dude.

When I received the email that I was admitted to the medical school I was hoping for, I was in complete shock. Truth is, it lasted for several days. I couldn't believe they actually let me in. In fact, I confess that I didn't even start this blog until I had finished orientation in the off chance that there had been a terrible mistake, and at some moment a kind-but-lower-level-official would pull me aside into a quiet corner to explain I would not be joining the class.

But, no news was clearly good news in this regard. And, with more pomp and circumstance than I could have imagined, all 120 of us were ushered into the inveterate halls of medicine yesterday. Indeed, we were all "cloaked" with our white coats in an official ceremony commemorating the beginning of our careers. The marker has been created, and the work is ours to swim in as we now float in strong currents toward a new life.

As I remember the ceremony, I hear the speakers reminding us again of the tremendous privilege of our new undertaking and of the deep trust reposed in us as future medical practitioners. As I sat there, I couldn't help but take it to heart. You see, I truly believe in this stuff. I feel unbelievably honored to be allowed here. It's a humbling thing to be so trusted by so many. Misty eyes were the order of the day, I think. I hope every day for the courage and strength to be worthy of that amazing trust. May our hands be true and our intentions pure. It was a big day. Even for an old guy.

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